Waste Collection
Tel: 01934 888802
Visit the Refuse section of the North Somerset Council website
North Somerset provides a service to collect rubbish, recyclable waste and green garden waste from the kerbside outside your home. For information about collection dates call Streets and Open spaces or click on the website link above. There is a search facility on the linked page that enables residents to find out their collection dates for refuse, recycling and green waste just by putting in their postcode or street name.
There are also three recycling centres in North Somerset that can recycle and dispose of your more difficult items of household waste.
The amount of waste we produce across the district has been rising each year as the number of people and households increases. Our recycling rate is now 31% as compared with 20.5% in 2005. Recycling plays an important part in helping to protect our environment and also helps save you money as disposing of rubbish is expensive. You can also help by composting a lot of the rubbish you produce.
Kerbside rubbish collection
Your waste will be collected once a week on a specified day and should include any rubbish which cannot be recycled via our kerbside recycling scheme.
North Somerset can collect larger or bulky items, for a charge. Alternatively you can dispose of it at your local recycling centre free of charge.
The council can also collect medical and clinical waste from your home.
Kerbside recycling scheme
North Somerset offer a fortnightly kerbside recycling service to all households in the parish. The council supplies green boxes for your recyclable items. If your box is not collected or you would like to request our assisted collection service for elderly and disabled householders or you would like to order a green box, contact Streets and Open Spaces.
You should leave your box on the edge of your property nearest the roadside by 7.30am on your collection day with any extra materials stored in a separate bag next to it.
Kerbside garden waste collection
Green garden waste is collected fortnightly from most households in the parish except during December, January and February when collections are on a monthly basis.
The council supplies one green bag per household for garden waste and certain types of cardboard. The bags have a 120-litre capacity and can be folded and easily stored when not in use.
There are no restrictions on how many bags can be collected per household.
Additional green bags are available to purchase for £1. The nearest outlets for the parish are:
- Blagdon Water Gardens, Bath Road, Langford
- Cadbury Garden & Leisure, Congresbury
- Roundtrees, Congresbury.
If your green bag is not emptied for any reason the council will leave a green tag on it informing you why it has been left. You can then re-sort your material and put out your bag on your next collection day.
If no tag has been left on your bag and it has not been collected you should report it to Streets and Open Spaces on the same day or the day after. If you report before noon we will collect your bag the same day and after noon on the next working day.
Recycling centres
There are three recycling centres in North Somerset to help you recycle and dispose of your more difficult items of household waste.
The centres provide their services free of charge and are based at the following sites:
- Backwell Recycling Centre, Coles Quarry, Backwell
- Portishead Recycling Centre, Black Rock Quarry, Portishead
- Weston-super-Mare Recycling Centre, Aisecombe Way, Weston-super-Mare.
Separate your waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials before you bring them to the site. For more information about what waste you can recycle at the centres contact Streets and Open Spaces. You can also use this contact method if you are unable to transport your larger waste items to one of our centres and would like us to pick them up from your home as part of our our bulky waste service.
Around two thirds of the rubbish you throw away is biodegradable and can be composted. By putting your rubbish into a compost bin or garden heap you can produce a nutritious all in one plant food, soil conditioner and mulch for the good of your garden, allotment, window box or potted plants.
Most people make their compost in a bin as it helps keep their garden tidy and retains the heat which assists the process. Alternatively, you can just pile up your kitchen and garden waste in a heap, cover it and let nature do the rest.