Councillor Bush reported on the work and projects carried out during the last year which included:
- The widening of the entrance to Ladymead Lane recreation car park.
- New sleepers at the Hand and Memorial Garden.
- A new Cricket Net at the end of Tunpike Close has been installed.
- The railings at the Clock Tower and enclosures near the Nelson Arms have been painted and restored.
- Solar panels have been added to the Community Club for which the Parish Council are grateful for £10000 grant from the National Grid Community Matters Fund.
- Additional plots at the allotment have been created to accommodate the number of residents on the waiting list.
- Work will begin to add additional car park spaces at the recreation area in May 2024.
The Clerk gave a financial statement for the year ending 31st March 2024.
As the clerk, my role is to guide and advise, administer, update, and correspond with members of the community and Council. As the Responsible Financial Officer, I control and monitor the Council’s finances to ensure the best use of the Council Tax paid by the community. The Parish Council’s finances remain healthy due to the sound financial management of the Council.
At the start of the financial year, the Council’s bank balance stood at £197879. At the end of March, the balance was £188401. A VAT refund of £7666.05 is due for 2023-24 which will be applied for after the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 13.5.24.
The Parish has earmarked funds which total £149645.74 and general reserves of £38755.72.
The Council have received CIL funds of £17659.12 this year.
Village grants for 2023-2024 have totalled £1250.
The Parish Council received grants from North Somerset Council for the Parish Orderly of £333.69 and solar panels of £10000. Wayleaves income from Western Power of £29.33. Miscellaneous receipts £193.00.
The precept demand has increased by £85565 to £110565. This will mean that a band D house will pay 0.39p a week more than last year.
This decision to increase the Precept was taken to cover the cost of inflation which as meant an increase in costs to maintain all areas the Parish Council are responsible for in the parish.
I am very confident that all financial decisions taken by the Parish Council have been the correct ones.
The Council have received CIL funds of £17659.12 this year.
Village grants for 2023-2024 have totalled £1250.
The Parish Council received grants from North Somerset Council for the Parish Orderly of £333.69 and solar panels of £10000. Wayleaves income from Western Power of £29.33. Miscellaneous receipts £193.00.
The precept demand has increased by £85565 to £110565. This will mean that a band D house will pay 0.39p a week more than last year.
This decision to increase the Precept was taken to cover the cost of inflation which meant an increase in costs to maintain all areas the Parish Council are responsible for in the parish.
I am very confident that all financial decisions taken by the Parish Council have been the correct ones.