Pudding Pie Lane Allotments
There are 21 full plots and 28 half plots. Currently, we have allotments available, when they go we will have space on our waiting list if you are interested in renting a plot, please contact the Parish Clerk.
Following requests by parishioners for allotments in about 2008 the search began for land to rent, lease or buy. There are many landowners in the parish but no one seemed to want allotments on their land. The only alternative was to see if we could buy land. An approach was made to North Somerset Council who agreed to sell two fields. An approach was made to the Public Works Loan Board and a loan of £45,000 was given to be repaid over 50 years. So the land was bought and finally paid for in July 2012.
Our allotments are very unusual in that we have been able to purchase rather than lease or rent the land as many others do throughout the country.
Work then started clearing the fields, laying a car park, installing cycle racks, marking out and rotivating the plots. The Parish Tree Wardens managed to get native tree whips to plant as a hedge along the side of the allotments adjoining farm land and plot holders turned out to plant them. An Allotment Committee consisting of councillors and 4 plot holders was formed to run the allotments. Bristol Airport gave a grant to purchase and install a noticeboard.
Sheds and water butts were purchased and the task of planting and growing began in April 2013. A Grand Opening was held on 29th July at 3 00pm. The allotments were opened by Chair of the Parish Council, Mrs Jackie Bush. The BBQ sausages and burgers were supplied by Alvis Brothers Ltd with cider donated by Thatchers and the Parish Council was most appreciative of their support!! It was a most enjoyable afternoon for plot holders, councillors and parishioners and their families.
The Parish Horticultural Show, which lapsed in about 2005 has been reinstated with the first one held in September 2014. The allotment fields are next to the new Wrington Vale Medical Centre, close to Churchill V A C E Primary School and not far from the War Memorial Hall, recreation fields and Community Club, the cricket pitches and pavilion. It really is becoming the hub of the village!!
Plot holders have said, “We are all new to tending an allotment and so help each other out. There is a wonderful community and family feeling and spirit when we are working. Someone is there every day and passers-by always stop, look and talk. This is the start of a new, community focussed parish.”
“Just half of an allotment can help to keep you fit and provide a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruit without too much difficulty. I am just starting my second season and I find growing my own very satisfying my allotment neighbours are very friendly and supportive”.