Council Finance
By far the largest amount of the Parish Council’s income comes from North Somerset Council by way of your Council Tax. This is called the precept and is paid to the Council in two payments in April and September. The second largest amount comes from the ground rent from the building that was the former doctors surgery in Ladymead. Smaller amounts come from Burial Ground fees and Wayleave payments from Western Power Distribution.
Two committees Open Spaces & Allotments and Leisure decide what services and facilities they would like to provide and compiles a budget. These are given to the Finance and Personnel committee who complies the costings for administration, training, insurance and other budget headings. This committee then looks carefully at each submission and decides what their final costs will be. The total of these costs is what the Parish Council asks North Somerset for and is known as the precept.
Finance Reports by Financial Year
- Council Finance 2023-2024
Council Finance 2023-2024
- Council Finance 2022-2023
Council Finance 2022-2023
- Council Finance 2021-2022
Council Finance 2021-2022
- Council Finance 2020-2021
Council Finance 2020-2021
- Council Finance 2019-2020
Council Finance 2019-2020
- Council Finance 2018-2019
Council Finance 2018-2019
- Council Finance 2017-2018