
Churchill Parish Council updates seven noticeboards for the community of Churchill and Langford. If you would like to promote your organisation, event or similar please read below to ensure we can take your posters.

The locations of the Noticeboards are:

The Post Office

The Memorial Hall

Doleberrow on the A38

The Primary School opposite the allotments

Lower Langford Bus Shelter

Touts Filling Station A38

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you accept my poster?

We will accept posters for most events, organisations and opportunities within Churchill, Langford and the surrounding areas. Posters should be A4 size or smaller to ensure we can fit as many as possible on our boards.

Churchill Parish Council cannot accept posters that explicitly promote a political party or posters with discriminatory/offensive images or language. We are also unlikely to accept posters for events that are not within our area or surrounding villages.

How many posters should I give you?

We maintain 6 of our own noticeboards. You are free to provide us with fewer posters than 6, in which case we’ll try to put them on the most relevant boards.

Please send your 7 posters to:
The Parish Clerk, 17 Sealey Close, Draycott, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3UA

We don’t print posters for the noticeboards on your behalf.

When will my poster go up?

Our Parish Clerk updates each board on different days and will put up as many new posters as they can. When we have a large volume of posters, we’ll prioritise the events happening soonest. Priority is given to community events and non-profit organisations.

We recommend getting posters for an event or course to us at least 2 weeks before the event or first session to ensure it is advertised in time.

If your poster is not for a specific event so is updated, it will be put up at the earliest opportunity and may be removed after a couple of weeks to make space.

If you have any questions please get in touch with us by email if we can be of any assistance.