
The area is well served by four churches. Please use the bricks below for further information.

The Anglican churches are St. Johns in Churchill and St. Mary’s in Langford. There is also an Evangelical church in Langford. Sidney Hill was a local benefactor and a staunch Methodist. He built the Methodist Church in Churchill as well as the Sidney Hill Homes in Churchill and the Jubilee Homes in Langford. The nearest Roman Catholic Church is in Cheddar.

The monthly magazine, Signpost, gives details about church services and activities. This is available from local churches and shops or by subscription. Contact the editor, Liz Stell, for more information (Tel: 01934 852502 or send an email).

St Mary’s Church

St Marys Church in Langford

Langford Road, Lower Langford
Rev’d David Gent
Tel: 01934 862348
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Church Warden: Sarah Pearson
Tel: 01934 852399

St. Mary’s is a small and friendly Church built in 1900. It is an Anglican (C of E) Church that is part of a parish with St. John’s, Churchill within the diocese of Bath and Wells. It also has close links with the local Methodist Church.

There is a service every Sunday at 9.30am and weekday activities for children and adults. St. Mary’s has a lay worship team who are responsible for leading some of the services. Music is a mix of modern songs and traditional hymns led by our music group.

The church welcomes all ages and has four contemporary style All Age Services each month, two of which are communion services following Common Worship. These services are lively affairs with drama, music, quizzes and other activities following the theme of the service. Children of all ages are welcome and are encouraged to participate (as are all the adults!).

Langford Evangelical Church

Langford Evangelical Church

Blackmoor, Lower Langford
Minister: Pastor George Beacham
Secretary: Christine Beacham

8 The Grove, Winscombe
Tel: 01934 842805
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The congregation of Langford Evangelical are a friendly group of local Christians who meet in a lovely chapel, the oldest church building in the village. They give a warm welcome to anyone wishing to join them for worship, even if it is on an occasional basis.

St. John the Baptist Church

St John the Baptist Church in Churchill

Church Lane, Churchill
Vicar: Rev’d Andrew Hiscox
Park View, Maysmead Lane, Langford, BS40 5HX

Tel: 07970 011502
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Church Warden: Tricia Avery
Tel: 01934 852360

The Norman church of St. John the Baptist is in an idyllic rural setting nestling at the foot of the Mendip Hills at the edge of the village of Churchill. Originally, it is thought to have been in the heart of the parish. However, in the 14th century, Churchill may well have been a victim of the plague and it could be for this reason that the village is a short way away.

Records show that there was a Norman chapel on this site in 1180, the nave or centre aisle of which remains today. The stone font is believed to be 800 years old and to have originated from these times although the wooden font cover was added in 1879 when there was a revival in gothic designs.

St. John the Baptist tends towards the traditional worship style with a BCP Matins service and Communion each month as well as Common Worship communion and Family Services. When there is a fifth Sunday, a joint Service is held with the Methodist Church and the service alternates between the churches.

Festivals, such as Advent, Christmas, Easter and Harvest are particularly popular since the medieval ambience of the church lends a special significance to the celebrations. A service is held and a sermon is preached every Good Friday following the legacy of Mary Plumley, daughter of Thomas Latch, in 1672.

Churchill Methodist Church

Churchill Methodist Church

Front Street, Churchill
Minister: Rev Meg Slingo

Tel: 01934 852314
Visit the website

The church was built in 1880 by Sydney Hill, a local business man and benefactor, as a memorial to his wife and both are interred in a mausoleum along the front of the building. Sidney Hill was a local benefactor and a staunch Methodist. Besides building the Methodist Church he also built the Sidney Hill Homes in Churchill and the Jubilee Homes in Langford. The church interior is traditional and celebrates many aspects of Scripture, particularly in the several ornate stained glass windows. The building is grade 2 listed.

It boasts its own large car park area, making it suitable to larger congregational meetings. Access may be made via a ramp at the car park side or through the front porch. There is a unisex disabled toilet.